The Managing Directors of Lanificio Zignone S.p.A. believe that product quality, customer satisfaction, respect for the environment, workers’ health and safety and social responsibility towards its employees and the community are fundamental requirements for the development and growth of the company.
To these objectives, there continuous improvements on the production processes, products and company performance being implemented to reduce to the minimum the impact on the environmental, to increase its employees’ safety and well-being and customer satisfaction.
The key elements that have been identified to ensure and develop the company further are:


Having company figures responsible for managing the fundamental requirements. Share information and provide adequate training to the various corporate figures involved in managing these requirements and pursuing objectives. Manage every working and commercial relationship with regularity and full transparency by defining standards and rules for selecting suppliers and communicating any forms of abuse, discrimination, corruption and dishonesty.


Manage your activities in compliance with applicable regulatory principles, any customer regulations and human rights, with the awareness that adaptation to regulatory changes and customer requirements constitute a competitive advantage. Implement non-compliance management procedures and emergencies related to the fundamental requirements to reduce negative effects and response time.


Improve monitoring, processes, technologies, skills and working methods by aiming for an ever better quality and numerical production, a constant increase in staff well-being and a constant reduction of impact on the environment. Encourage the active participation of all workers in corporate improvement through new communication systems and the collection of reports and proposals.

Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is the fundamental objective of the company, with products that meet expectations and requirements for quality and global services. This enables the company to have a stable position on the market and a lasting relationship with its Customer.


Assuring all the workers the necessary skills in relation to the role assigned, enhancing professionalism through targeted training courses, encouraging the involvement of workers to achieve corporate objectives. Promote the use of resources from renewable sources and new technologies with lower consumption and environmental impact in their life cycle.


Monitor the quality, production and energy performance periodically and systematically by identifying representative indicators and defining objectives and targets.

This document has been implemented, kept updated and distributed to all the customers, suppliers and employees of Lanificio Zignone S.p.A.
The organization guarantees to provide the necessary support for the pursuit of the objectives of such policy and requires the support of the whole organization, at all levels based on the objectives assigned to each person, since the implementation of what has been stated in this document is fundamental for the smooth-running of the company.